Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mattis libero vitae consectetur convallis. Proin vel faucibus leo. Cras mi dolor, condimentum vel dui vitae, condimentum fermentum turpis. Ut eget vestibulum felis. Donec lobortis tortor enim, pharetra interdum arcu accumsan non. Nulla facilisi.
Insert the image caption here
Insert the image caption here
Maecenas ut mi nulla. Maecenas ultricies sit amet mauris vel pellentesque. Donec varius posuere risus, vitae convallis lacus finibus a. Nam vel sollicitudin justo. Suspendisse ullamcorper urna metus, non porta est porttitor quis. Mauris nec laoreet ex. Quisque eget ultricies neque. Maecenas a viverra ligula. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada ornare. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Aenean gravida mi et ligula commodo, eu imperdiet tortor aliquam. Vestibulum interdum elit sed ligula lobortis, eu luctus nulla maximus. Etiam imperdiet ut nunc vitae finibus. Praesent ut arcu sit amet nibh tristique ullamcorper.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In non pellentesque dui. Donec sed velit elementum, consectetur nulla eu, efficitur eros. Curabitur eget dignissim elit. Vivamus posuere, magna vel varius dignissim, nisl nisi consectetur nisi, nec ornare magna dui non orci. Proin volutpat pretium quam ac semper. Sed enim nisi, tristique sit amet ipsum vel, pulvinar congue nibh.
Vestibulum cursus rhoncus gravida. Proin bibendum, est nec euismod accumsan, neque ligula ultricies odio, eget aliquam velit orci in quam. Pellentesque nisl nisl, porttitor eu magna quis, dignissim consectetur augue. Donec velit ipsum, mattis at sem et, gravida mattis risus. Suspendisse iaculis quam nec orci consequat, semper vestibulum diam congue. Integer et malesuada nunc, sit amet auctor quam.
Nam sit amet facilisis mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas malesuada odio a turpis suscipit auctor. Praesent rutrum lacus id nisi condimentum, sit amet hendrerit eros lacinia. Cras maximus fringilla gravida. Donec commodo rutrum facilisis. Nulla porttitor, velit vitae consectetur blandit, velit urna posuere ante, ac pretium urna odio sit amet sapien. Mauris feugiat tellus vel suscipit tincidunt.
With so many emails hitting your members’ inbox, it is tough to decipher which to read first or at all. By planning a weekly theme calendar of emails, you help your members to understand what type of information from your club awaits them in their inbox on what day.
At a time when our Club trends were telling us to use shorter snippets and multiple emails, I noticed my open rates declining. The sheer saturation of emails coming from every corner of our Members’ lives becomes nothing more than noise, and your emails, well they sink into the abyss of the unread pile. Remember Quantity is not Quality.
Coordinate a weekly email that members can rely on. Pick a day where your email doubles as a short version of your monthly newsletters, and include shorter snippets of food and beverage highlights, member spotlights, and featured events you need your members to see. On the other days, plan out your dedicated events emails or athletic highlights.
2. Linear Look & Feel
Emails should be easy to read and extract information from at a glance. Use sections in your emails with calls to action and a supporting photo to help members quickly identify your message. Your linear feel will also help to optimize your emails for mobile devices.
3. Concise Text
No need for novels in emails unless they are important club notices, and hopefully these messages are being sent by themselves. Keep your text short and sweet and follow it up with a photo that captures the sentiment.
4. Intriguing Subject Lines
The subject line is immensely important. Do not use anything too sales-y like “Reserve Now” or “Amazing Deals” for subject lines. Usually, these types of emails are filtered into your promotions or junk folders.
I used to joke with my team about using member’s names as clickbait, but each time I did it, my open rates would skyrocket. If you have a member spotlight in your email (tennis champion, hole-in-one, etc.) use their names in the subject: “Congratulations Mr. John Smith…” Alternatively, you can announce that there is a new champ (“Congratulations 2021 Champion…”) prompting members to click to find the name.
5. Include Quick Links
In your footer area add quick links to reservations modules, menus, your Club app download link (on iOS and Android), or important Club webpages for your members to easily access. Not only will they promote traction to your website, and another way to guage engagement via click rates, but adds convenience for your members looking for need-to-know information.
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